When my husband and I got married January 1, 2010, I had been praying hard that it wouldn't snow the weekend of our wedding. Living in the middle of Nebraska, with family and friends traveling from all over the Midwest, it was a legitimate concern that the weather would prevent important people from being at our wedding. We had a blizzard the weekend before and a blizzard the weekend after, but New Years Day of 2010 was blessedly free of snow. However, I had a bit of an oversight with my request: I failed to ask that the weather would be snow-free AND warm. We ended up shivering through a day that never reached above 1 degree!
All this to say: I repeated my mistake with Joe and Abby's wedding. Since I was travelling to their wedding (which also fell on New Year's weekend!), I was carefully watching the weather and was so relieved when we made it to their wedding date with no foul winter weather. However! It ended up being another Nebraska day with temperatures barely above zero the entire day. This didn't dampen any spirits, though, and we found a lot of creative ways to stay cozy (though they humored me by running outside for a few photos in the snow...we were efficient and spent less than two minutes outside!).
The love at this wedding was so evident. Joe and Abby were married in the same church as Abby's parents were, which is always such a special opportunity. Joe and Abby took their marriage vows before God very seriously and it was truly an honor to document a day with such a wonderful focus on the upcoming marriage--not just on the wedding celebration itself.
Thanks to the fabulous Jaime from Jaime Lynn Photography for her excellent second shooting skills!